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Refund Policy

Under IndiaShoppe's Return and Refund Policies, if the delivered products are found to be damaged, then one can conveniently return the product and seek replacement/refund. However, before requesting for a replacement/refund, we suggest you to go through this Return and Refund Policies thoroughly.

1. First and foremost, do not accept a product if it isn’t properly packaged or the seal is broken. If you return a product with damaged seal, then IndiaShoppe will not accept it.

2. If you want to return a product, then request for a return and replacement within 48 hours from the 'Receipt of Delivery' (that is from receiving the product).

3. You can request return by mailing to the Customer Service Team at or call us at 044-40602222 within 48 hours (2 days) from the Receipt of Delivery.

4. While returning a product, you must ensure that the product is of unused condition, it is in its original package and that the tag/order number is retained. Items without their proper order number/tag will not be accepted.

5. In IndiaShoppe, almost all the items can be returned. However, there are certain products that might take some time to be replaced. Hence, we kindly request you to bear the inconvenience.

6. While packing the products that are to be returned, kindly ensure that you pack them tightly and securely so that they will not get damaged during the transit.

7. We request you to provide your order/serial number/Token Number when our Reverse Pickup team arrives to collect the product.

8. If you are planning for self-shipping which might happen when we are not able to arrange reverse pick up facility within your area due to the non-serviceable pincode or out of coverage area, kindly use a reliable courier service.

9. When you are returning a product, you must incur the shipping charges as well. However, IndiaShoppe will bear a part of your shipping expenses. The costs are Rs 50 for up to 1Kg and Rs 100 for more than 1 Kg. If shipping amount is too high in that case organization may consider the same but it will vary case to case.

10. Upon confirming your request, the refund amount will be initiated from our side within 7-10 business days.

11. In your Request for Return/Replacement/Refund Phone call or E-mail, kindly mention your Order/ Serial Number and product name. Ensure that you mention the same in your return package as well.

12. Kindly remember that a returned product will be re-dispatched only “Based on the Availability of STOCK in our warehouse.

13. For Self Shipping the products, kindly return the item/s to the address mentioned in invoice copy or dispatch receipt. While shipping, kindly ensure that you are shipping the product to the right warehouse from where the order was dispatched. You can know this by calling our customer support team and they will provide you with the details.

Note: Before Requesting Return/Replacement/Refund, kindly go through the Return and Refund Policies thoroughly and carefully.

The above Return and Refund Policies are only applicable to products that are purchased directly from IndiaShoppe.

The Return and Refund Policies are subjected to change and therefore visit for learning about the latest update.

If the returned item does not meet the conditions of Return and Refund Policies, then IndiaShoppe will not accept the returned item and will be sent back to you at your own disbursement.

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